Young Dracula Wiki
Vampire Slayer
Other Names: Slayers
Enemies: All vampires
Intentions: Hunting down and killing vampires
Headquarters: Garlic Products Limited
"Vampires and slayers are never friends!"
Count Dracula

Vampire Slayers are people who set out to fight and slay vampires. For some, it can be a generational occupation, passed down to each child within the family, like it was with the Van Helsing's.

Most slayers are members of the Slayer's Guild. And most of the time, they are first trained as teenagers. For example, Jonno and Erin were both trained slayers by the time they were 17-18 years old. It is not known whether they train privately, or as part of a school.

It is stated throughout the show that Slayer's blood holds a lot of significance in the vampire world. It's not specifically stated as to why this is. It is Eric Van Helsing's blood, after he pricked his finger on the tip of a stake, that caused Ivan, the Count's younger brother, to ditch his renewed lifestyle as a blood-free vampire. Just catching the scent of the slayer's blood causes him to go into a trance, his eyes turning yellow and his fangs bared. From that moment on, Ivan is engorging himself in blood like he used to. And it is Erin's blood that opened the Praedictum Impaver and filled the pages with writing, because of her status as a trained slayer.

To test whether a bitten breather is going to inevitably transform into a vampire, a test is done. We first see this at the Guild, in Season 4, when Jonno has a surface wound from a vampire. Mina samples the blood from his neck and places it in a petri dish full of garlic juice. The blood will set on fire if the test is positive.

In Season 4, a mind-wipe is done to all slayers worldwide by Vlad. He later undoes it, feeling guilty about ridding Jonno's mother, Mina, of her identity.

Slayer Weapons[]

Modern weapons are used alongside classic weapons like the stake or garlic. A UV bomb is effectively a sunlight bomb. The slayer 'Superweapon' worked on a similar principal, just on a much larger scale.

Notable Slayers[]
